Want to make the transition to a climate-friendly home, but not sure where to start? Get Your Electrification Roadmap®

Electrification 101

5 Ways to Hard Launch your Relationship (With your Heat Pump)

Valentine’s Day is a time of public declarations – when even those of us that typically refrain from PDA find the courage to tell the world, “hey, just in case it wasn’t clear, I really love this person!”. This can take many shapes and forms–engagement, marriage–and even the “hard launch”, which often happens on our social media feeds.

We’re here with a hot take: if you have a heat pump, it’s time to hard launch your relationship with it this Valentine’s Day.

Why? Well, put simply, personal climate action is contagious – in a good way! Research on solar panel adoption (replicated many times, in many geographies) shows that the biggest predictor of whether you will purchase solar panels is whether your neighbor has already done so! Why? As Katherine Hayhoe so eloquently explains, this lowers “the ‘cost’ of information”. Knowing that you can go down the street and ask who installed the equipment and how it went is, well, comforting.

This isn’t the only research that underscores the importance of social proof when it comes to home electrification, though. A study recently published in the journal Energy Policy about household energy decision-making and technology adoption in the U.S. found that the top two information sources homeowners sought after during their consideration process were (1) their own friends and family (~42% survey respondents), and (2) online reviews (~36% of survey respondents).

Here’s the tricky thing about heat pumps and heat pump water heaters though, though. These HVAC systems are hidden away in our basements, utility closets, and backyards – entirely out of sight from the neighbors, typically. Remember the old conundrum, “If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it does it even make a sound?” Feels pretty relevant here!

The point is, taking a public stand for personal climate action can dramatically accelerate the pace of progress in your orbit. By taking a few minutes to  “hard launch” your home electrification efforts, you have the opportunity to create a ripple effect of decarbonization far beyond the four walls of your own home.

How to “Hard Launch” your heat pump (on social)

Social media is a great place to share your story! We created these love notes to make it easy. What is an example of a hard launched relationship? Sending ’em a Valentine, of course!

They are yours to save, use, and share! You can tag us on any of these platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Threads, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok).


How to Hard Launch your heat pump without social media

No social media? No problem! When should you hard launch a relationship? Well, we’re taking advice from our friends at VeryWellMind on hard launching your relationship without social media, and translating that to heat pumps.

  • Send a group text to your friends or family members. This can include the name and a photo of your partner. Yes this works great! “Heat Pump” has entered the chat.
  • Call your friends and family individually to discuss your relationship. Another strong option – share your reasons for why you went electric in a good ol’ fashioned phone call
  • Bring your partner out with you to meet your friends. Ehh, this one’s a little trickier…but snapping a selfie with your heat pump to share with friends might just do the trick!
  • Take your partner home to meet your family. This one’s even harder. Then again, dropping off information about a heat pump might be the move
  • Plan a gathering at which you’ll introduce your new partner to your social circle. This one is a gem! Throw a “meet my heat pump” party (and be sure to send us photos)!

So yes, make the cheesy post about your partner (seriously, always make the cheesy post), but don’t forget to also affirm your commitment to a cause that also needs your support now more than ever – the climate.

Ready to get started? Join us in building a brighter future by electrifying everything, starting with homes. Your choice today shapes our collective tomorrow!

Colorado State Heat Pump Tax Credit Filing Instructions

Does Colorado have a rebate for heat pumps? No – but we do have a new Colorado State tax credit for heat pumps and heat pump water heaters that went into effect on January 1, 2023. This guide is only for heat pumps installed in the state of Colorado in 2023.

  • The tax credit is an income tax reduction based on 10% of the price of the equipment, not including installation charges. 
  • The 10% tax credit also extends to electrical panel upgrades (if needed for the heat pump or heat pump water heater installation) and energy storage systems.
  • Inclusive Definition: “Building owners” encompass lessees with lessor-approved installations.

How to Claim / File for the Income Tax Credit:

What is the Colorado energy tax credit for 2024? Simply fill out Form DR 1322 to take advantage of your 2023 heat pump install. This must accompany the building owner’s Colorado income tax return. This is how you will receive the Colorado heat pump tax credit. Instructions below.
Note: If you are an Elephant Energy customer, download and use this Form DR 1322 as it is signed by us.

Disclaimer: While we provide guidance, it’s crucial to seek advice from a tax professional regarding individual tax situations. Our presentation doesn’t assume liability for your specific tax circumstances.

  1. PART 1 – Eligibility Certification
    • Building Owner Information: Fill in your name, Social Security number, and address. Include your spouse’s details only if filing jointly. If the building owner is a business, provide its name and Federal Employer Identification number.
      Screenshot of tax form for building owner information
    • Contractor: 
      1. Business Name: Elephant Energy, Inc.
      2. FEIN: 61-1992874
      3. Mailing Address: 1390 Yellow Pine Avenue
      4. City: Boulder
      5. State & Zip Code: CO 80304
        Contractor information on a tax form
    • Line 1 Installation Address and Date: List the street address of the building where the heat pump or heat pump water heater was installed.
      Installation address and date
    • Line 2 Purchase Type, Building Type, and Installation Standard 
      1. For purchase type, select the relevant purchase made from one of the highlighted products that Elephant Energy supplies below (with star).
      2. For building type, choose “Residential”.
      3. For Installation Standard, check “Licensed Contractor with Specialized Technicians”
    • Line 3 Purchase Information: provide the purchase date, serial numbers of the main components of the heat pump or water heater, along with their make and model details. This information is in your invoice from Elephant Energy.
    • Line 4 Certification of System Requirements and Installation Standards: Elephant Energy can confirm that its installations meet all 6 criteria.
      Purchase information tax form for energy creditPurchase Information
    • Line 5 Amount of Income Tax Credit
      1. On Line 5a, input the equipment-only cost (do not include labor cost). Please refer to your invoice for this breakdown.
      2. On Line 5b, calculate your heat pump system or water heater credit by multiplying the amount from Line 5a by 10% (0.10). This resulting figure represents your eligible credit. If you’re not assigning the credit, transfer this amount to the appropriate credit schedule (DR 0104CR, DR 0106CR, or DR 0112CR).
        Amount of Income Tax Credit
  1. PART 2 – Contractor Certification Sales Tax Exemption – Elephant Energy installations have already taken the sales tax exemption so there is nothing for you to do here.
  2. PART 3 – Election Statement for Assignment of Income Tax Credit – Elephant Energy systems are not eligible for assignment back to Elephant Energy.

And once again, thank you for being a part of the Elephant Energy Herd!! You know that heat pumps are a good option for Colorado residents, and we couldn’t be where we are without wonderful customers like yourselves. We’re here for you – before, during, and after your Climate-Friendly Home upgrade.

Do heat pumps qualify for federal tax credit? Yes! Check out our guide here.

Federal Heat Pump Tax Credit – Understanding the 2023 Heat Pump Tax Credit

Is there a federal tax deduction for heat pumps? Yes! The 25C tax credit, under the Inflation Reduction Act, offers substantial benefits for individuals investing in heat pump systems, heat pump water heaters, electrical panel upgrades, select weatherization measures, and energy audits – including you, our customers! How do you qualify for the Inflation Reduction Act heat pump tax credit? Simply install and file the following year to receive the federal tax credit for your heat pump.


  • Value: Enjoy a 30% heat pump federal tax credit on the total purchase of any combination of air source heat pumps and heat pump water heaters, capped at $2,000, other upgrades capped at $1,200 and electrical panel upgrades installed in conjunction with a heat pump or heat pump water heater will be eligible for a tax credit of up to $600. These federal tax credits for heat pumps are definitely worth it!
  • Installation Deadline: To claim the federal heat pump tax credit in a given tax year, you must have installed your heat pump with a SEER2 rating greater than or equal to 16 during that year (no need to search “what SEER rating do I need for tax credit qualification?”). To claim the federal tax credit for heat pumps or heat pump water heaters for the 2023 tax year, ensure your heat pump HVAC system or heat pump water heater installation was completed before December 31, 2023.
    • The credit limit is applicable on an annual basis, resetting each year, allowing for its reuse annually.
  • Property Requirements: Equipment must be installed in an existing home and your principal residence (the place you occupy most of the time). New construction and rentals do not apply for federal tax credits for heat pump installations, including federal tax credits for heat pump water heaters, too. The principal residence must be in the United States and may be a house, houseboat, mobile home, cooperative apartment, condominium, or a manufactured home to qualify.
  • Example: For instance, if your federal tax liability amounts to $3,000 and you qualify for the maximum $2,000 credit, your owed taxes decrease to $1,000 after applying the credit.
    25c Heat Pump Tax Credit

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency investments qualify for the Energy Efficiency tax credit.

  • This credit is 30% of the project cost up to a maximum of credit value of $1,200
  • Upgrades that qualify:
    • Attic Insulation
    • Basement / crawlspace insulation

Home Energy Audits

A home energy audit for your main home may qualify for a tax credit of up to $150. In order to qualify, the home energy audit must:

  • Include a written report and inspection that identifies the most significant and cost-effective energy efficiency improvements with respect to the home, including an estimate of the energy and cost savings with respect to such improvement.
  • Be conducted and prepared by a home energy auditor

Disclaimer: While we provide guidance, it’s crucial to seek advice from a tax professional regarding individual tax situations. Our presentation doesn’t assume liability for your specific tax circumstances.

How to Claim / File for the Heat Pump Tax Credit:

  • IRS Form 5695: Complete this form (specifically Part Two: Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit) to outline your eligibility for the heat pump tax credit.
  • Fill out your Name, Social Security Number, and your main home’s address. 
    1. PART I: ​​Residential Clean Energy Credit
      Form 5695 Residential Energy Tax Credits
    2. PART II: Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit
      1. Continue filling out lines 17 through 32.
      2. In Section A Line 18, enter the total invoice amount for insulation and air sealing. 
      3. In Section B Line 25ab, enter the total invoice amount for electrical panel upgrades. 
      4. In Section B Line 29abc, enter the total invoice amount for heat pumps and/or heat pump water heaters.
        Section A - Qualified Energy Efficiency Improvements
        Section B - Residential Energy Property Expenditures
    1. Integration with Form 1040: Add the relevant tax credit details to your standard Form 1040 during the tax filing process.
    2. Submission: Ensure Form 5695 is included when filing your taxes to claim the credit accurately.


    And once again, thank you for being a part of the Elephant Energy Herd!! We couldn’t be where we are without wonderful customers like yourselves. And in return, we’re here for you – before, during, and after your Climate-Friendly Home Upgrade.

    New Year, New Heat Pump: Don’t Wait to Take Climate Action in 2024

    Congratulations on surviving the holidays with your in-laws and diving head first into your New Year’s resolutions! Is upgrading to a climate-friendly home on that list? Here’s a friendly yet firm nudge: 2024 is not just another year, it’s a crucial time to consider upgrading to a heat pump or heat pump water heater.

    Why the rush? Well, it’s not only about enjoying a cozier home and smarter savings on your bills. We’re racing against time for the planet. The clock is ticking towards 2030, a year earmarked by experts as critical for reducing global carbon emissions. Every heat pump installed is a step towards that goal. Sticking with that old furnace or unreliable water heater? That’s not just a hassle waiting to happen; it’s a missed opportunity to join the fight against climate change.

    So, why not kick off the year by making your home more efficient and comfortable? What’s the best time of year to buy a heat pump? Don’t wait – the time is now!

    1. Accelerating the Tipping Point: Every Installation Counts

    What is the future of heat pumps? Well, we are approaching a critical tipping point in heat pump adoption. Every installation is a significant contribution, providing essential social proof that accelerates the transition to green energy. By installing a heat pump now, you’re not only taking a personal stand against climate change but also inspiring confidence in others to join this growing movement. Your action today is a powerful catalyst in this critical journey.

    2. The Slow Rebate Rollout: A Call to Act Now

    While the Inflation Reduction Act offers the promise of direct-pay rebates, its slow implementation—with only a few states expected to roll out rebates this year—suggests that waiting may not be the best strategy. If you’re in a position to install a heat pump without relying on these incentives, it’s prudent to proceed. Waiting could mean missing out on immediate benefits and potentially facing uncertainties regarding rebate qualifications.

    3. A Singular Opportunity for Long-Term Impact

    Choosing your next HVAC system is a once in every two decades decision. Opting for a heat pump now avoids the risk of being forced to select a less sustainable option in an emergency. A proactive choice today ensures that you are not contributing to another two decades of emissions. At what age should a heat pump be replaced? When well-kept, you can expect 15+ years out of your heat pump.

    4. Stay Ahead of the Demand Curve

    Demand for heat pumps is expected to surge, especially once rebates do become more widely available. As we’ve seen happen before, this increase in demand will likely lead to higher prices and longer installation wait times. By acting now, you avoid these pitfalls, start saving on energy costs immediately, and contribute to stabilizing market demand.

    5. Influence Your Community: Share Your Climate Journey

    Installing a heat pump gives you a unique opportunity to influence your community. Rather than boasting, use this chance to share your experience upgrading to a climate-friendly home. Your story can (and will!) inspire others to make similar choices, creating a ripple effect of positive environmental impact. Send us an email at hello@elephantenergy.com – we’d love to share your story.

    Conclusion: The Time to Act is Now

    In 2024, the message is clear: waiting comes with a cost, too. Installing a heat pump is a critical step towards a sustainable future. It’s a decision that benefits you, your community, and the planet. If you’re able to install a heat pump this year, don’t wait for a ‘better time’ or more incentives – the time to act is now.

    Ready to get started? Join us in building a brighter future by electrifying everything, starting with homes. Your choice today shapes our collective tomorrow!

    Resource Roundup for Your Climate-Friendly Home Journey

    WHEW, we made it. The home stretch, the last chapter, the grand finale—whatever you want to call it. It’s our seventh and final post in our climate-friendly home series. In this final edition, we’re sharing a roundup of all our favorite resources to help make your climate-friendly journey as simple as possible. Read on for a whole host of helpful guides, databases, toolkits, and more—and drop us a line if you think there’s something we should add. 

    Guides to Climate-Friendly Home Upgrades:  

    All Things Solar: 

    Incentives & Rebates 

    Still looking for a resource to help you determine where to start your climate-friendly home journey? Look no further than Elephant’s tool, Your Electrification Roadmap®. By answering some simple questions and providing a few key details about your goals and preferences, you can get a personalized plan to simplify your journey to home electrification.