Want to make the transition to a climate-friendly home, but not sure where to start? Get Your Electrification Roadmap®

Elephant Energy is a Certified B Corp

Extra, extra, read all about it – we’ve done something we think is pretty dang cool. We’re excited to announce that after three fantastic years in business, we’ve achieved Certified B Corporation status!

Read on below to learn more about what a B Corp is and what it means for a company like ours to make the commitment to the work of a Certified B Corporation.

What is a B Corp?

We’ve got the quickest B Corporation definition: put simply,  it affirms that a business has voluntarily met the highest standards for social and environmental performance.

Here’s the longer explanation: the “B” in B Corporation (or B Corp, as it more commonly goes by) stands for benefit. It’s not just a feel-good statement, it’s a pretty big deal. B Corps are certified by B Lab, a nonprofit organization founded in 2006. They created the organization in the hopes of transforming the global economy to benefit people, communities, and the planet. The B Corp certification means that a company voluntarily meets certain standards of transparency, accountability, sustainability, and performance, as defined by the organizing body. Beyond that, companies that have achieved a Certified B Corp status aim to create value for more than their shareholders; they are also accountable to other important stakeholders, like their employees, communities, customers, suppliers, and the environment.

B Corps are globally recognized (there are over 8,600 B Corps worldwide), and must recertify every three years to hold their status, meaning they’re continuing this work beyond their certification date. This is a powerful enforcing mechanism that ensures that B Corps maintain the high standards set by the certification.

We’ll be in good company among the other members, which include Ben & Jerry’s, Patagonia, and Allbirds. These companies are known for being straightforward and clear about their commitment to the work of bettering people, communities, and the planet – similar to companies that meet ESG investment standards.

Q&A: Why pursue a B Corp certification?

We’ve been working since day one to #ElectrifyEverything, and this certification is a testament to the dedication of our team and our mission to combat climate change, one heat pump installation at a time. As part of our B Corp certification, we’re required to uphold the values of sustainability alongside transparency, accountability, and performance in all of the work that we do. And it’s not just a one-and-done certification – we are required to uphold this to continue holding the title.

We interviewed our co-founder, DR Richardson, about his perspective on this exciting milestone:

Q: What does this certification mean to you and the broader work of Elephant Energy?

A: Earning the B Corp certification is a huge milestone for us. It’s a testament to our amazing team – and validation of our approach to using our strength for good. It also signifies that our commitment to sustainability and best-in-class business practices extends beyond our core product offering. 

Q: More tactically, how will the certification impact Elephant’s day-to-day work?

A: This certification verifies that Elephant Energy operates with social responsibility in mind, considering the impact of our business on our employees, communities, and the environment. This focus on a triple bottom line – profit, people, and planet – further positions Elephant Energy as a leader in the climate-tech and electrification industry. Said another way, how many home services businesses do you know are actually B Corps?  

Q: Why was earning this certification a priority for the Elephant Energy team?

A: Since our founding, we’ve been mission-driven to make as the biggest positive impact on the world that we can. While reducing carbon emissions is our “why”, how we conduct business and treat stakeholders is also hugely important — and the B Corp certification is a testament to the way that we approach that.

DR is right – we’re proud to share our B Corp Certification with the world as our public commitment to do good for people, communities, and the planet alongside doing well for our shareholders.

Eager to make more climate-friendly choices? Check out our tool, Your Electrification Roadmap®. A few simple questions will get you a personalized plan for a sustainable home. Together, we can make choices that truly make a difference.

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Warming Up to Reality: Heat Pump Mythbusting

If you’ve heard about heat pumps, you may have also heard some rumors: about how heat pumps don’t work well in cold climates, how they are expensive to purchase and operate, and maybe even how heat pump technology is too new for the risk of adopting it in your own home.

We’re here to tell you…

Not everything you hear is true!

We’re here to bust some myths.

Let’s dive right in, shall we?

Myth: heat pumps don’t work in cold climates

Busted! This one is our favorite to debunk, hands down. You could say we’re the experts on it, heck, we wrote the ultimate guide for it! Let’s dive into all the reasons why this myth is simply that.

Enter, the cold climate heat pump

Did you know that there are air source heat pumps specifically designed for cold climates? They’re not much different than a traditional heat pump, except they’re built to produce more heat at lower temperatures than non-cold climate rated equipment. While they look similar to a heat pump you might see in a warmer climate, the specially designed internal components are where the magic happens. This allows cold climate heat pumps to operate down to very low temperatures — as low as -20°F!

Even in the cold climates like New England and the Colorado Front Range, heat pumps are rockin’ and rollin’, keeping homes comfortable all winter long. Their efficiency, rated by something called the Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (or HSPF), can operate at a 10 or greater, meaning they’re transferring much more energy than they consume (and that’s what keeps you warm and comfortable in the cold winter months).

Still don’t believe us? Check out the data we gathered about our fleet’s performance during a brutally cold snap in the Denver area. 

Myth: heat pumps cost more to operate than furnaces

Busted! There are, of course, costs associated with installing a new HVAC system. But, when you consider the robust incentives available to offset that upfront cost plus the ongoing operational savings (not to mention the quality of life improvements – we have been told by more than one customer their heat pump was “life-changing”) you have yourself one smart investment.

Ready to learn more?

Heat pumps are more efficient than gas-powered furnaces

When it comes to energy efficiency, heat pumps take the win on functionality against their gas-powered counterparts. Heat pumps in general are much more energy efficient than traditional HVAC systems. Why? Because heat pumps use electricity to move heat, rather than creating it by burning fossil fuels.

The efficiency of heat pumps is measured by the Coefficient of Performance (COP), which compares the heat output to the energy input. Heat pumps can have a COP greater than 1, meaning they can move more energy as heat than the electrical energy they consume. Traditional heating systems, such as gas furnaces, typically generate less than one unit of heat for each unit of energy consumed, making their COP less than 1.

So, what does all this mean? Heat pumps are using less energy to heat your home, which in turn can lower your energy bills. Importantly, you won’t see all these savings in the same season. We generally find that our customers see the most savings during the summer months. More on that later!

Total cost of ownership

Let’s say you’re in the market for a new HVAC system and that’s how you stumbled upon this blog post. First, welcome! We’re so glad you’re here. Second, you may be wondering “but what is this all going to cost me?”

Good news for you – we’ve got some handy numbers at the ready.

Upfront cost:

The plus of purchasing an energy-efficient heat pump is all the upfront savings made possible by rebates and tax credits (available from the Inflation Reduction Act as well as alongside state, local, and utility rebates).  

Operating cost:

Okay, so we know there are great incentives available to offset your installation cost. What about actually running the heat pump?

Here’s some data that can give you a sense — for a test run in Maine (brr, talk about cold winters!), the average cost for different heating systems looked like this:

It’s worth noting that there are a lot of factors that can change these numbers – think the efficiency of the heat pump you install, the fuel and electricity prices in your area, and if you’re in a temperate or cold climate. For example, mild climates will definitely have lower operating costs than super cold ones.

Alongside this, there are other important factors that affect the cost of operating a heat pump, including the size and layout of your home (the bigger, the more expensive) and if you’re taking good care of your heat pump (cleaning your filters, calling for maintenance twice a year).

All in all, we generally see our customers saving about $250 per year, and sometimes way more (over $1,000), for those switching from more costly fuel sources. Erin, below, switched from baseboard electric heat.

“I was paying about $300-$500 monthly for electricity in the winter, and adding the heat pump cut my bills in half.” – Erin D., Denver customer

Want to see the exact math for your home? You can do a three part calculation as laid out by Shrink That Footprint.

Of course, when you work with experts (like us), we can model the savings you can expect to see so that you’re going in eyes wide open. Click here to get started!

While this is a high-level summary, it’s important to think about the total cost of ownership for your new heat pump, not just the immediate cost. The cost savings from the up front purchase combined with the lifetime savings from choosing an energy-efficient heat pump (and, the other non-financial benefits like super quiet, even heating) all deserve consideration.

Myth: heat pump technology is too new to be trusted

Busted! We don’t need to burn stuff anymore to stay warm, to cook our food, to drive our cars…it’s simply not necessary in 2024 (and beyond)!

Heat pump technology is tested, tried, and true

You may think to yourself, “if heat pumps are so awesome, why am I just hearing about them now?”

There are a few reasons that could be.

First, it shouldn’t surprise you that the big oil and gas industry doesn’t want you to know about heat pumps. Just as gas lobbies are paying influencers to use gas stoves in their cooking videos, they’re also pushing negative campaigns about heat pumps all over the world. Wild, right?

Second, heat pump technology, while it’s advanced greatly over the last ten years, has been around for longer than we’ve been alive. The technology behind heat pumps is actually over 100 years old. The first heat pump was built by Peter von Rittinger in 1856 while conducting experiments to use water vapor’s latent heat to evaporate salt brine. From there, heat pump technology advanced quickly, and in 1945, John Summer built a full scale water-source heat pump. Following that Robert C. Webber heated his home with the first electric heat pump in 1948. The rest, as they say, is home comfort history!

The advancements of building science and compressor and control technology mean heat pumps have taken center stage in the world of HVAC. For the past two years, heat pumps have outsold gas furnaces in the United States. Pretty cool, right?

Meme that says "burn fossil fuels in your home or draw 25" on an Uno card

Wrapping it up

Heat pumps are a smart piece of technology you can install in your home to incorporate cost savings both upon install and through the life of the product. They work fabulously in cold climates and guarantee a healthier, more comfortable climate-friendly home. The myths…have been busted.

Ready to upgrade to a climate-friendly home? Join us in building a brighter future by electrifying everything, starting with homes. Your choice today shapes our collective tomorrow!

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Heat Pump vs. Gas Furnace – making the right choice for your home

Are you in need of a new HVAC system, and trying to choose between an air source heat pump and a gas furnace? We’re here to explain why going with a heat pump is a no-brainer. In comparison to their gas counterparts, heat pumps are…

Learn more about each of these points in a deep dive comparison of air source heat pumps and furnaces below:

Drake meme: "when someone tells me gas furnaces are fine" vs. "when I learn what a heat pump is"

Gas furnaces vs. heat pumps: which is the right HVAC system for me?

Let’s start with the obvious – we know it can be pretty overwhelming to replace a heating and cooling system in your home. Oftentimes, it happens during a literal make-it-or-break-it moment – your house needs heating or cooling as soon as possible because your current system has broken. And, let’s be honest, it’s expensive. For the average homeowner, their HVAC system is the third largest investment they’ll make, behind their home and car. It’s important to get this right, and we’re here to help.

First, we recommend making a plan so you don’t find yourself in this stressful situation. Second, let’s dive in – why would you want to switch from a gas furnace, the system you’ve always known?

Simple: heat pumps are the best and most efficient technology you can get your hands on, they’re good for your wallet and the climate, and there are loads of incentives (we’re talking federal, state, local, and utility) that defray the upfront cost of installation…and that free money won’t be available forever. There’s no time like the present.

Heat pumps are a smart investment

The first question when replacing any large equipment in your home is probably, “how much is this going to cost me?” 

Heat Pumps Furnaces
Functionality Heating and air conditioning, gentle and evenly distributed Just heating, blasts hot air on and off
Upfront installation costs $7,500-20,000 (after incentives, see table below) $6,000-24,000 (no incentives)
Available incentives At least $2,000 tax credit, and depending on where you live, often more that are stackable.
Colorado and Massachusetts, see links for more information.
Operating costs Lower – on average, our customers save hundreds, and in some cases more than $1,000 per year on utility costs  Higher
Energy efficiency 300% more efficient than furnaces Less efficient
Lifespan 15-25 years 20 years

These general costs cover a wide range of numbers, mostly dependent on the size of your home and its heating and cooling needs.

All in all, thanks to the robust rebates and tax credits available to offset the costs of these systems (we’ll explain more below), in most instances, installing a heat pump today is less expensive than installing a new furnace and air conditioner/central air system, and it will help you save on operating costs in the long run, too.

Tax credits and rebates and incentives – oh my!

The great news about heat pumps is that unlike their fossil fuel-emitting counterparts (looking at you, gas furnaces), heat pumps are being adopted due to the cost benefit to the user across the board (amongst all of the other benefits listed on this blog, of course). In fact, for the past two years, heat pumps have outsold gas furnaces!

In 2022 the Inflation Reduction Act was passed in the U.S. It created a “wallet” that gets refilled every year that you, as an American homeowner, can use to offset the cost of installing climate-friendly upgrades. But, this wallet won’t refill forever. This is a sooner-rather-than-later moment for those looking to take advantage of the heat pump tax credit, which is $2,000 for qualified heat pumps. Plus, this credit has no lifetime dollar limit, meaning you can claim the maximum annual credit every year that you make other eligible energy efficiency improvements through 2033.

As for the average 1,500 square foot home (for example, we’re using the costs for a home in Denver, CO), below are the cost savings post-incentives:

Cost Explanation
$23,000 Cost of Cold Climate Heat Pump + Electrical Upgrades, before incentives
($2,200) Xcel Rebate (upfront to Elephant Energy)
Denver CARe Heat Pump Rebate (upfront to Elephant Energy)
Denver CARe Electrical Rebate (upfront to Elephant Energy)
($2,000) Federal Tax Credit from Inflation Reduction Act
($1,200) State of CO Heat Pump Discount
= $10,100 Total incentives
= $12,900 Total cost, after incentives

Beyond this federal powerhouse, many states and cities have adopted rebates and incentives for installation of heat pumps in homes. In the greater Denver area, there are multiple options to choose from (and they can be stacked with energy utility rebates, too!) For the Boston Metro, Mass Save is a fantastic program with super robust rebates for heat pumps (up to $10,000 for single family homes!). A quick internet search of your city’s name + “heat pump incentives” may find you more money back than you were expecting.

Health and safety for you and your family

A recent study found that children living in a home with a gas stove have a 42% increased risk of experiencing asthma symptoms. When it comes to your family’s health, it makes a difference to switch from a gas stove to an induction stove, a gas furnace to a heat pump, and a gas-burning water heater to a heat pump water heater.

Why? A heat pump runs solely off of electricity. This is safer than burning gas, which in turn releases fossil fuels into your home – and impacts the air you’re breathing every day. (And yes – the same goes for the gas stove and your fuel-burning cars, too.)

The best modern tech in the HVAC market

As we explained in our introduction to heat pumps blog, heat pump technology has been around for many years, but it’s improved tremendously over the past ten years. This means you’re selecting an advanced piece of equipment to join your home appliance lineup that is better for the environment, better for your wallet, and going to last you in the long run. With natural gas beginning to be phased out, you won’t want to be delayed in making the switch!

With the push made by federal, state, and local governments to make the transition to energy efficient appliances and away from fossil fuels, you can trust that you’re investing in the best tech for your home today. Plus, homes that install heat pumps see a 4-7% increase in home value. Not too shabby!

Along with the smart investment of great tech comes the promise of a better user experience when you’re choosing a heat pump over a gas furnace. Heat pumps are much quieter than a gas furnace, which blasts on any time your home is not at the set temperature on your thermostat. Then, when it reaches that temperature, the furnace kicks off. It repeats this pattern all day and all night – on, off, on, off. In contrast, the heating and cooling produced by a heat pump are much more gentle and even, because they run quietly on a low setting in the background at all times.

If you had to choose between a late 90’s desktop computer you had to lug around everywhere you went or a new laptop, you’d almost certainly choose the latter. Beyond it being kind of embarrassing to be sporting outdated tech, the ease of use, convenience, and affordability over time of a desktop pale in comparison to a modern day laptop. We trust that you get where we’re going here.

In this round of heat pump vs furnace, it’s heat pump all the way. Your future self will thank you!

Energy efficiency meets environmentally friendly

For years, we burned stuff to make heat. We burned stuff to drive cars and cook our food, too. But we’re here to tell you – you don’t need to burn stuff anymore to heat your home.

Did you know that our homes account for 20% of climate-related emissions each year? Most of that is from heating and cooling. Yikes! By electrifying your home and using clean energy (like solar), it’s possible to completely eliminate those emissions. Pretty cool, right?

What about the impact of simply installing a heat pump, though? Research shows that in all 48 continental states, replacing a gas furnace with a heat pump will reduce emissions within the very first year of installation and across the 15-year lifespan of the product. While the exact amount of emissions reduction varies by state, in many places, the reduction is up to 93% over the lifetime of the heat pump. You can read more about this research and see the specific projections for the state you live in here

Either way, the proof is in the pudding — if you care about reducing your footprint, installing a heat pump is the way to go.

Heat pumps: the clear winner when it comes to choosing HVAC for your home

Going for a heat pump over a furnace? Smart move. You’re getting cutting-edge tech that saves you money in the long run, thanks to incentives and lower energy bills. Plus, it’s a win for comfort and health at home – steadier temps and cleaner air. It’s a solid choice all around.

If you’re wanting to embrace climate action on a personal level, heat pumps are also a great option for that. Check out this personal climate calculator to see how much your heating and cooling makes a difference in your home.

Ready to get started? Join us in building a brighter future by electrifying everything, starting with homes. Your choice today shapes our collective tomorrow!

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Introducing…the heat pump!

“What is a heat pump?”

“What is a mini split?”

“How does a heat pump work?”

“Should I get a heat pump?”

Buzz Lightyear and Woody with meme caption "heat pumps, heat pumps everywhere"


Maybe you’ve heard your friends talking about how their furnace finally died and they made the switch to a heat pump. Perhaps you’ve searched “furnace replacement” and seen the words “heat pump” and been intrigued. You might be looking for ways that can become a better steward to our planet. Or maybe you know the smallest bit about these electrified powerhouses but you don’t quite know where to start.

Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered.

Introducing the best way to take a big bite out of climate change – the heat pump!

Heat pumps are the hot new thing and will be your coolest appliance. And, did you know that the technology behind heat pumps is actually over 100 years old? That’s right – heat pump HVAC systems are in fact not brand new, but rather they have been massively improved over the past 60 years (and especially over the past 10 years).

What is a heat pump?

A classic question! We’re here to make it make sense…without hurting your brain too much.

Air source heat pump systems replace your current furnace (or boiler) and any air conditioning units in your home. They’re powered solely by electricity, which means you’re no longer burning stuff to stay warm, and you’re not using an entire second appliance just to stay cool. That’s right – these heat pumps can both heat and cool your home! But…how?

How does a heat pump work?

Artwork by Nicole Kellner - "Explain how a heat pump works like I'm 5 years old"
Hint: it’s not actually little gnomes

Unlike a furnace or boiler, heat pumps don’t burn fossil fuels, which make them a healthier choice for your family and the environment.

Instead, powered by electricity, air source heat pumps move heat from the air outside of a home to inside and vice versa to heat and cool. Check out the image below for a more visual explanation:

How an air source heat pump works. Image source: Energy Savings Trust, BBC

That’s right – a heat pump doesn’t generate heat, it moves existing heat. Even on the very coldest days in very cold places (like Denver and Boston) , there are heat particles in the air. The right cold climate heat pump can take these and move them inside of your home to keep it warm. And in the summer, heat particles are moved from the inside of your home to the outside. Pretty cool (and hot), huh?

What does a heat pump system look like?

There are two common types of air source heat pumps. The first is a ducted system. This works best in homes that already have ductwork and utilize central heating and cooling system, which makes for a pretty seamless transition.

However, if your current ductwork is in poor condition or your home doesn’t have ducts (think, folks with hydronic boiler systems), the right move for your home is likely a ductless mini split heat pump system. Mini splits consist of an indoor unit, usually mounted on your wall or ceiling, and an outdoor unit. They’re connected, and they provide heating and cooling to whichever rooms they’re installed in–without using any ducting. Want to learn more about mini split heat pumps specifically? Check out our ultimate guide here.

Ductless mini split heat pump system, image from Canary Media.
No ducts? No problem! Here’s what a mini split would look like in a room in your home.

Mini split heat pumps systems as well as ducted air source heat pump systems all have easy filters to clean and upkeep, ensuring the long life of these awesome electric appliances.

A quick note on energy efficiency

Remember, part of upgrading to a climate-friendly home means you shouldn’t produce more energy than you need. For example, you wouldn’t leave your front door wide open with the AC blasting in 95 degree summer, would you? Probably not. That’s a poor use of energy and not efficient!

Efficiency for energy goes beyond weatherization– it means taking care of what we have and using it to the best of its ability within its lifetime.

The best part about your awesome, energy-efficient heat pump? It’s your electric heater and your electric air conditioning system all in one.

Hey, that’s right. It’s electric!

So, it’s electric…why should I care?

Modern electric appliances that run on heat pumps are better for the environment – in fact, they are 3X more efficient than their fossil-fueled counterparts. And don’t be mistaken, we’re not talking about your grandma’s old school electric resistance HVAC. Heat pumps are the cool, new kids on the block, and WAY more efficient than any other option available today.

Rather than burning stuff to heat your home, you can begin making the switch to reduce your carbon footprint today. A heat pump does exactly that – removes the harmful output of fossil fuels burning in your home and replaces it with the air that simply exists around your home. Plus, if you weatherize, you’re ensuring that you’re living in accordance with your parent’s favorite adage – “don’t heat or cool the whole neighborhood! Shut that door!”

Saving you dollars and solving climate change

Did you know that the average homeowner can save 7 metric tons of CO2 every year by switching to a heat pump? In comparison, you’d save about 1 metric ton of CO2 every year by going fully vegan. Slashing your carbon emissions without ever leaving the house sounds good to us!

And it’s not just reducing your emissions, it’s reducing your spending, too! Because of the high efficiency of these appliances, the average homeowner who switches from a furnace to an air source heat pump will save about $1000 or more a year on utility bills.

The icing on top is that there are incredible incentives available to help offset the cost of installing a heat pump in your home. Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), there are Federal incentives available to everyone in the U.S..  And, in many places, there are also state, and even local rebates available (Colorado and Massachusetts where we operate are two examples).

Mona Lisa Saperstein from Parks and Rec saying "Me to the IRA: Money pleeeease"

Heat pumps are a well-loved technology across the United States and around the world (including in cold climates)! Ready to upgrade to a climate-friendly home? Join us in building a brighter future by electrifying everything, starting with homes. Your choice today shapes our collective tomorrow!

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Heat Pump Water Heater DIY Maintenance + Guides

Heat pump water heaters are the energy-efficient alternative to traditional electric or gas-powered water heaters. They provide significant savings on your utility bills while also reducing carbon emissions – we love a double-duty worker! As with any home appliance, proper maintenance is important to be sure your heat pump is operating at its optimal performance and will last a long time. Below, we’re sharing our best tips and tricks to perform some DIY maintenance on your heat pump water heater, showcasing our printable heat pump water heater guides, as well as letting you know when it’s time to call in the big dogs (that’s us. The big Elephants?)

Understanding Your Heat Pump Water Heater:

Before we dive into the depths of all that your heat pump water heater has to offer, we think it’s even more important you know the basic functions of how it works. Instead of relying on conventional direct heating elements or burners like a gas or electric water heater, heat pump water heaters extract heat from the ambient air around it and transfers that heat into the water tank. This process utilizes the components inside of the heat pump water heater, like the compressor, refrigerant, and the tank itself that stores hot water. Making sure that all of these items are at their best ensures optimal efficiency for your heat pump water heater for years to come.

Tips for Heat Pump Water Heater Self-Maintenance:

Heat pump water heater parts - image source Woodfin

1 – Regularly Check and Clean Air Filters:

Your heat pump water heater has an air filter, which works to prevent dust and debris from accumulating on the coils. By checking these filters regularly (we’re talking monthly, set a calendar reminder!) and cleaning them out, you’ll maintain optimal airflow. If you find cleaning isn’t doing the trick, be sure to order replacement filters. Restricted airflow will reduce your heat pump water heater’s efficiency along with increasing energy consumption.

2 – Inspect and Clean Condenser and Evaporator Coils:

Heat is transferred in your water heater via the condenser and evaporator coils, and if dust and dirt build up on them, it will reduce your water heater’s efficiency. By inspecting the coils on your heat pump water heater, you can ensure they’re clean and efficient. The coils can be cleaned with a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner – be sure to avoid harsh chemicals or any abrasive materials as they can easily damage the coils.

3 – Maintain Adequate Clearance:

When your heat pump water heater is installed by Elephant Energy, we make sure it has adequate clearance surrounding it to allow for proper airflow. It’s up to you to keep it up – remove any obstructions like boxes, furniture, or debris that can block and restrict airflow to the unit. It’s crucial for the heat pump water heater’s function that you have optimal heat exchange and efficiency, so find a new spot to stack up your holiday decorations and boxes of photo albums!

4 – Check the Anode Rod:

The anode rod for your heat pump water heater is a sacrificial component that helps prevent corrosion inside the water heater tank. Inspect the anode rod annually and replace it if it’s corroded or worn out. A correctly functioning anode rod can extend the lifespan of your water heater and prevent costly tank repairs down the road.

5 – Monitor Temperature and Pressure:

Regularly check the temperature and pressure relief valve on your heat pump water heater to ensure it’s functioning correctly. Test the valve by lifting the lever briefly to release a small amount of water. If the valve fails to operate or leaks persistently, replace it immediately to prevent potential water hazards.

6 – Flush the Tank Annually:

Over time, sediment and mineral deposits can accumulate at the bottom of the heat pump water heater tank, reducing its efficiency and lifespan. By draining and flushing the tank annually, you’ll remove these deposits and maintain optimal performance. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for draining and flushing your specific model.

7 – Insulate Hot Water Pipes:

Insulating the hot water pipes connected to your heat pump water heater can help reduce heat loss and improve overall efficiency. Use foam pipe insulation sleeves to cover exposed pipes, especially in unheated areas such as basements or crawl spaces. 

Looking for more information regarding best practices, frequently asked questions, and troubleshooting? Download our user guides, made in house by our team of HVAC experts, here:

AO Smith (Model HPTU-80)
Rheem (Model PROPH5)

When to Call in the Experts:

As listed above, there’s a ton you can do as a homeowner to maintain your heat pump water heater by yourself. However, it’s good to know what situations call for professional experience:

1 – Electrical or Mechanical Issues:

If you encounter any electrical or mechanical problems with your heat pump water heater, such as compressor failure or motor issues, it’s best to contact a qualified HVAC technician. Attempting to repair complex components without proper training and tools can be dangerous and may void your warranty.

2 – Warranty Coverage:

By choosing Elephant Energy to install your heat pump water heater, you’ll receive a one year labor warranty. You’ve also got a ten year parts warranty for any part or equipment failures. Keep in mind, it’s imperative that you follow the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance guidelines and seek authorized service providers for repairs. Attempting DIY repairs or neglecting maintenance could void your warranty and leave you liable for repair costs.

Continual, regular maintenance is key to both maximizing the performance and lifespan of your heat pump water heater as well as ensuring you’re keeping a climate-friendly home running its best. Take the time to read and revisit this guide for our DIY tips, to download our helpful user guides, and to remind yourself when it’s best to call in the experts. With the right care and attention, your heat pump water heater will provide reliable hot water for years to come, all while helping you do your part in decarbonizing as well as saving money, too!

Ready to get started? Join us in building a brighter future by electrifying everything, starting with homes. Your choice today shapes our collective tomorrow!

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